Totally Teaching Related: Ideas, Books, Units, and Thoughts

Motivate those reluctant readers . . . and runners!

As an avid runner, I wanted to include a way to encourage the kids I teach to run. I thought that as a teacher, I should probably include something educational in my (hopefully) motivating program. So, I started the Running and Reading charts. We go by trimesters, so each trimester, I put up two incentive charts. They are similar to the one below. You can find them at Amazon, Staples, or any other teacher store.


 I let the kids who want to participate, write their names in on the left hand side. As they run a mile or read a book, they fill out this sheet and turn that in to me. That tells me that they need a sticker for the chart. I attach the sticker to their form and they place it on the chart. 

I award the student with the most miles or most books read with a gift card to a sporting goods store or bookstore. So, yes, it ends up being a little expensive, but it's totally worth it to see the kids get into it. Just an idea . . . . . . . . .


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